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* Exceptional carp attractors and triggers are hidden in foods recommended for health and illness prevention! This article could make you far more interested in the ingredients labels on your food!
Is it so strange that foods that we could eat every day to keep us healthy are actually PREFERRED by carp!
These are often foods we eat every day and are right under our noses but maybe have not necessarily linked to making great carp baits.
The term super food is being used more and more on our food labels and at first this seems simply a clever marketing ploy. But for a bait maker, these are actually very good indicators of an ingredients potential when used in your baits!
When you look at human super foods and diets that prevent certain illnesses, you will realise that these foods are natural foods which we would in past millennia have eaten on a seasonal or regular basis in pure fresh and unprocessed forms. I believe this fact is the reason our ancestors had far fewer health problems than we have today and in fact, we are certainly poisoning ourselves with the foods we are eating today!
Even if you do not eat food with artificial additives, artificial flavours, preservatives, or artificial foods like hydrogenated vegetable oil and so on, the food you eat today may not contain the high levels of healthy components that can prevent diseases.
Even using your microwave for quick food convenience changes food on a molecular level, changing molecules in vegetables and meats, for example into different and even unknown compounds! The dependence on convenient microwave meals is not surprisingly linked to cancers and other illnesses, especially in the States.
But what has all this to do with catching more fish you may well be asking!
You might have heard about macro-biotic diets, pro-biotic drinks, bio-active yogurts and even isotonic baits! These are all about creating essential food, diet, energy and digestion natural balance. And generating more energy for living rather than constantly depleting it. A massive key to carp baits is energy provision and energy stimulation.
Drugs are just an artificial term for processed and refined natural components of food stuffs we might possibly have eaten in eons past, naturally. There are many foods when if we eat lots at once, of give use immediate feed-back! Including slow and fast energy rushes, highs and even sudden energy drops after certain meals! Some foods even keep your 'hunger pangs' at bay - certainly the opposite of what we as fishermen are aiming to achieve!
Right from breakfast you are eating foods that prevent illness and have strengthening effects on your body. Not only this but there are foods that keep heart attracts at bay.
Other daily foods reduce and balance your blood sugar level, prevent and control diabetes, will thin and cleanse your blood and clean your artery walls, reduce and remove cholesterol build-up and even prevent cancers.
Certain of your foods will stimulate your digestion and improve your digestion function so it takes less energy and improve assimilation of protein foods etc.
Components of your foods can stimulate and strengthen your immune system, cleanse your blood of toxins, flush out your kidneys, improve liver and kidney function, dilate your blood vessels and stimulating your metabolic rate.
Also special foods can shorten your physical activity recovery time and repair and build essential tissues faster. And even give you a feelgood factor, and give you a high! Some even make you want to eat more of them. These effects would sound really effective if only you could put them into in your carp baits!
Not to go into too much detail, here are examples of bait ingredients that will have these very beneficial effects on carp when included in your carp baits, many will already be familiar to you:
* Brewers yeast.
* A massive number of herbs like onion, garlic, fenugreek, ginger, celery, dill, fennel, parsley, etc.
* A massive number of spices like hot and red peppers (e.g. paprika, pimentos,) black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, mustard etc.
* Wheatgerm forms of soluble fibre.
* Whey protein isolates and other extremely digestible proteins.
* Betaine. (We take as a digestion aid in hydrochloride form.)
* Volatile essential oils like peppermint, sage, thyme, orange, and lemon.
* Many fish oils like cod liver oil and nut and seed oils like hemp oil and sesame seed oil. Many are used as human health supplements!
* Mineral and trace element supplements. And essential sodium chloride.
* Vitamins like vitamin C, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid etc.
* Others like tomatoes, powdered liver, blue and parmesan cheese etc.
* Numerous types of beans, pulses, peas, nuts, root, leaf, bark, berry and other fruit extracts and so on.
(* Aspirin? Bicarbonate of soda???!)
Carp will not detect these foods quite like we do. For example, in water they will not detect the distinctive garlic odour that we recognise, but having eaten it they will feel or appreciate its effects.
An example for us to feel is the combination of roast beef or smoked mackerel, with a thick topping of cracked black peppers. Without the peppers we do not digest these foods as well and they just taste and smell better in combination!
Even whole-meal rice tastes better and if far healthier than the white refined form and the same applies to wheat flour too. Apply this to soya flour in your bait and you might want to use the least refined product as possible. Freshness of food and bait ingredients is very important too, especially retaining more available vitamins.
You might even ask, why bother with vitamins and minerals, (regardless of their attraction properties,) well you would prefer to regularly eat food that GAVE YOU LOTS MORE ENERGY, that did not make you feel bad, right!
I got hooked on eating chocolate for a short period of time, along with coffee too. These stimulants played absolute havoc with my energy levels, blood sugar levels and mood balance too.
Balance is the key here, and both coffee and chocolate contain stimulants that affect our feeding and drinking behaviour even if only in the short-term! Carp feeding is affected by these and similar stimulants in foods too.
Even Coke and Red Bull will provide a short-term energy rush, or high in us or carp. Carp have been proven to have dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a feel-good alkaloid in caffeine. Perhaps you might try crushed caffeine tablets in your baits your carp are getting in it that Red Bull, Coke, Chocolate and coffee anyway!
You can take your food and drugs too far and it is only ethical to catch fish on bait that is beneficial to their long-term health. But having said that, ready-made baits have been made from all kinds of dubious quality ingredients, including industrial grade casein, by commercial bait companies, and lakes have not been filled with dead fish yet.
But perhaps, when you make your own homemade boilies, it will give you a good feeling to know that your ingredients will keep your fish happy, healthy and feeling good as you hook them!
The author has many more fishing and bait edges up his sleeve. Every single one can have a huge impact on catches. (Warning: This article is protected by copyright, but reprints with a link are OK.)
By Tim Richardson. The thinking anglers fishing author and expert bait making guru.
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